Because He Did It, I Can Do It, Too!

It seems like with the sucker punch of 2020 and the ongoing nonsense of 2021, Christians have lost their identity. There are so many voices of doubt, fear, lies, and brokenness swirling around us. Those voices sound more familiar and throw us off course. Christians can’t seem to find their foundation anymore.

The system of this world is broken, but do you know what is not? The alive, active, and mighty Word of God. That’s exactly how the writer of Hebrews describes God’s Word. (Hebrews 4:12)

There’s a song that I have had on repeat lately with a line I can’t shake. It says, “Because He did it, I can do it too!” Let that sink in for a moment. You have the ability to do the very same things that Jesus did on earth. (John 14:12)

Jesus laid hands on the sick and healed them—you have the same power! (Mark 16:17-18) Jesus lived in divine healing, joy, peace, increase, favor, and blessing— you can do that too. Absolutely!

1 John 4:4 says: You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

That means God’s nature, ability, might, and purpose are inside of you. You shouldn’t ever have identity issues. It’s time you have confidence in Christ, not in the chaos of this world. You are walking into a New Year. You don’t need to be weighed down by the cares of the past. Walk boldly forward with faith and clarity.

What’s the source of your clarity? The news? The government? The latest lie in your nation? No. The source is Jesus, who never changes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken. If he’s not shaken, you’re not shaken. (Psalm 33:11)

Don’t allow this world to tell you you can’t do something when Jesus said you could and should. Declare, “Because he did it, I can do it too!”

God is raising up a generation that refuses to bow. Warriors who are willing to go against the grain of culture. Men and Women who understand their identity. Miracle workers who are walking in authority, which they’ll never forfeit. Believers who shift culture rather than agree with it. People who know God has called them for this day and time.

God is getting ready to release big things in your possession (read my amazing husband’s article), but you can’t be prepared for that without truly knowing who you are in Christ and who Christ truly is. Your faith can’t waver back and forth. Don’t allow situations around you to shake your confidence.

When you understand God’s nature, you can confidently declare, “Because He did it, I can do it, too.”
Be confident that the God you serve is faithful, always present, reliable, and altogether good. He never changes.

Deuteronomy 5:33 says, Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy.

Get ready for a year of wonders in 2022! Because He did it, we can do it, too!

Articles, Faith




Because He Did It, I Can Do It, Too!

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