Sure Thing
It’s already Summer and too many people find themselves in a rut or standstill at this halfway point in the year. But in this article, I am here to encourage you that it’s not time to stand down and ease into maintenance mode. We are still running in 2021. Don’t let your guard down, it’s time to kick it into high gear! I want to give you three things that I want you to be sure of in the last half of this year.
When I think about these important areas, the word flourish comes to mind. The actual definition is “to grow healthy or in a vigorous way especially as a result of a favorable environment.” Which leads me to the question…
What is your environment like? Has the environment around you been healthy? Is the Word of God filling you or the news of this world? Do you have peace in your environment or several bad reports that just came in? If you read Psalm 92:12-14, the Bible describes what the will happen to the godly. As you are rooted and planted on the firm foundation of what the Word says you can produce fruit and live in the abundance no matter what is happening around you.
Psalm 1:2-3 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It shows you how you can never get out of position and production mode. Just like with natural seasons, there is life and death. The trees change colors, flowers die, and the natural state around you begins to change. Those verses assure you that no matter how the environment seems to be going in your life, you have the ability to always move forward, stand strong, and prosper!
I’ve had to conquer a couple of major battles in the hospital with my girls when they were younger, and both times the Lord showed up. Both were healed only by God’s miraculous power. The Bible tells us in Mark 16:17 that miracles, signs, and wonders follow those who believe. Your victory will remain sure as long as your belief system lines up with the Word of God. A
powerful man of God by the name of Smith Wigglesworth said, “I am not moved by what I see. I am moved by only what I believe.” Don’t let the luxuries of America cause you to think of Plan B. If people in third-world countries can believe in his healing power, divine protection, and provision, we should train ourselves to do the same. His power is not stronger in other nations —we are to live in victory everyday!
How can you confirm your harvest? Be a giver! You are to flourish like the palm tree mentioned in Psalm 92! God will entrust us with the largest seeds by which we’ll produce the largest offering, which will then reap the largest harvest. Just like God did with Jesus. He was the largest seed sown and reaped a harvest of Christians to carry out the works of Jesus and even greater!
Recently, at one of our meetings, I handed some children money. Later that week, someone came up to my children and gave them money. In that moment, I saw my seed become my children’s harvest. God’s largest seed became your harvest. No more sickness, disease, anxiety, fear, and poverty in Jesus name! You’ll never lack. You’ll always have a seed. Make sure you plant it and don’t eat it. (2 Corinthians 9:10)
Be sure today!