Protected or not?

What seems to be the common theme in this world? Fear, fear, and more fear. We continually hear negative reportson every news and social media network: school shootings, food shortages, gas prices, sicknesses, and more. We can start to wonder, “Where is God’s protection?”

It’s encouraging to realize that no one can protect you more effectively than your heavenly Father. He has provided shelter for his children. Psalm 31:3-4 says, “You are my rock and my fortress. For the honor of your name, lead me out of danger. Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me, for I find protection in you alone.” We must truly believe God’s Word. There’s no grey area. Does God protect or not?

Here are three ways to remain under his protection so you’ll never have to worry again.

(1) Remain in his presence

Think of the anointing as a force field of protection around you that makes you inaccessible to the enemy. The circumstances are irrelevant. The Bible contains many stories of men and women who go through dangerous situations and come out unharmed.

How do you think Daniel came out of the lion’s den without a scratch? Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego unburned by a blazing furnace? The presence of God saved their lives.

God sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths, and Jesus himself joined the three Hebrew men in the fire. That same protection belongs to you today! (See Psalm 91:1-3.)

(2) His glory covers you

Isaiah 58:8 says, “Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.”

God hasn’t only promised armor to guard us against attacks from the front; when the enemy attacks you, he will see and recognize God’s glory covering your life on all sides.

(3) Attach yourself to Jesus

This may sound like a basic principle, but it’s life or death. Not only should you choose to make the Lord your refuge, but you must also choose to “walk it out.” What does that mean? It’s time for action!

Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong fortress, the godly run to him and are safe.” That means we must believe God’s Word, rebuke fear, and stand on the promises of His Word. Then, when a fiery dart comes our way, we are prepared. We won’t yield to lies and deception and forfeit our protection. Using Jesus’ name is your all-access pass for security.

We should be living a carefree life. Carefree doesn’t mean ignorant. You never have to worry that the airplane you are on will crash or if your kids will be safe at school, the park, the mall, or the movie theater. People will insist that if you don’t worry, you’re foolish.

The Bible instructs us to cast our cares on Christ. That doesn’t mean you neglect wisdom. Instead, you don’t carry burdens. By remaining in God’s presence, letting his glory cover you, and attaching yourself to Him, you can live in daily peace unfazed by bad reports.

Fear can cause you to live in an invisible prison and wear an invisible leash around your neck. You will no longer be trapped and pulled around by the lies and concerns of this world. You are set apart and called to be a light to this world. God will protect you.

Enjoy the summer with family and with ease. Kick your feet up, grab a cold lemonade, and leave your cares for the enemy. His days are numbered. Worry is not the lifestyle of a child of God! (Psalm 5:11-12)

Love, Carolyn

Articles, Faith




Protected or not?

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