The Fuel for Your Increase by Carolyn Shuttlesworth

The first quarter of 2019 has been very productive. We’ve been called to run with momentum this year. Not just me personally, but I believe every Christian is called to do the same. If you’re a child of God, you need to have the results of a child of God! “Yes, just as you can […]

The Fuel For Your Increase

Who Am I? With Nonstop Mom Carolyn Shuttlesworth

It’s so easy for a mom to forget who she is as a person. Once you become a mom everything goes towards bringing life to your children, teaching, and nurturing. Your personality, appearance, sleep, and identity can change. We no longer give ourselves any thought. In this article, I’m going to show you the importance […]

Who Am I?

How to Future Proof Your Kids with Nonstop Mom Carolyn Shuttlesworth

Many parents feel overwhelmed when they think about raising children in today’s society. At first glance, it may look like the world is crumbling around you. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to focus on the negatives and begin to speak out of fear. Just because there’s an abundance of sin at work in the […]

How to Future Proof Your Kids

Smashing the Social Media Mirror with Nonstop Mom Carolyn Shuttlesworth

Your alarm shakes you out of what was supposed to be a good night’s sleep. You throw the covers off and slowly make your way out from under them. You head to the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. For me it’s my Nespresso machine. (How could you begin your day without your normal […]

Smashing the Social Media Mirror

Heaven's Benefit Package with Nonstop Mom Carolyn Shuttlesworth

In today’s society rewards are given for everything. One of the main reasons people sign up for a particular credit card is the type of rewards that are offered. When we shop for new cars, our choices are affected by what type rebates and rewards we’ll receive. When we choose insurance, we want to make […]

Heaven’s Benefit Package